Even the most obscure parts of your house can make a statement – including your stairs. Over the years we’ve designed wooden stairs, spiral stairs, rainbow painted stairs, black stairs and more. We know that it may be something that other people overlook, but once you take the time to design your space – your stairs cannot be ignored.
Broad Street
For the Broad Street house we designed two different types of stairs. In one part of the house we designed the stairs to have a raw wood finish with small metal bars as part of the banister. This tied in perfectly with the exposed beams and the wooden floor. In another part we wanted the stairs to make a statement so we installed a black metal spiral staircase. Each set of stairs was unique in it’s own way, and each made a statement in the room.

Louise Avenue
For the Louise Avenue project we knew that we liked exposed wood, but we also wanted a little something more. That’s when we decided to paint the middle black from the top to the bottom, with the sides exposed. Stack a few antique books on the side and it was everything we hoped for.

New Dorwart Street
Speaking of black with exposed wood steps. New Dorwart Street was another house that we wanted exposed wood mixed with black for the stairs. But this time we painted the back part of the steps black and left the top of the step exposed. We also painted “no rain. no flowers.” in cursive on two steps.

Prince Street
Perhaps our most unique choice of stairs. The Prince Street Project is known for the colorful choices that we made in each room, but the stairs are the perfect mix of it all. We took colors from other parts of the house and painted the back part of each step a different color – leaving the stairs looking like a retro rainbow.

The Railroad Masters
The Railroad Masters house was inspired by the fact that the old building use to be a railroad stop. This fact was the inspiration for the design of the house, none more so than the steps leading to the basement. We knew that all wood was the way to go, but we didn’t want it to just be plain stairs leading to the basement. We careful worked to design, and then redisign and perfect little knobs connected to each step. The final result was more than we could have hopped for.

Towne Drive
For the Towne Drive staircase we painted the back parts black and left the top step part plain wood. We painted the banister hand part black, and the banister bars white to match the walls. We completed the steps with many books and even a few plants. From every angle this staircase looks and feels complete!

The Feakins Project
Exposed wood and paint can be nice. But sometimes when you’re working with a short staircase – tile looking wall paper is the perfect solution for the stairs. This is what we did for the Feakins project. The stair way wasn’t long, and the white walls allowed us to be creative with the stairs. Once we knew that we were going to put something fun on the risers, it didn’t take us long to find this perfect design for the steps.

Whether they lead to your basement, attic, bedroom, kitchen or living room – your stairs are an important part of your home that cannot be overlooked. Through the years we’ve loved designing stairs to reflect the design of the rest of the home, making a statement but also keeping some designs subtle. Whatever your home needs, we can help your dream become a reality.
Want to work with us to redesign your space? Click here and learn how you can work with our team.