7 Unexpected Home Design Ideas

Hey guys! Happy Friday…
By now you know that we love creative spaces.

So in order to share the love I’ve compiled a list of my favorite creative home hacks… A condensed list, to be sure, but super fun!

7 unexpected home design ideas on TheChrisandclaudeco.

May you  be inspired!

Answer the unspoken question, “Where is the Bathroom?”

This is one of my personal favorite home hacks. I add these little beauties to any bathroom door I can get my hands on, and I have yet to regret it.

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

Wall Hangings with Character

One of the quickest ways to add creativity and spark to a room is by pulling in brick or wood, but not all of us have the chance to do that in our homes. So in my opinion, the next best option is to throw up some unexpected items on your wall.

My personal favorite is a pair of snowshoes that came straight out of a sheriff sale house last winter. Chris scooped them up during our family’s walk-through- and I daresay, we’ve had certain family members clawing at our backs for them ever since. Heh. Lucky for them, I get tired of things quickly, so give me a year and I’ll fork ’em up.

Here we’ve got old tennis rackets, snowshoes, sconces, vintage rackets and old scrolls.

We’ve done it all. 🙂

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

Incorporate Raw Elements

I love brick and I love wood. But I especially  love trying things that I don’t see anyone else doing. SO recently we’ve been working on exposing old lath or faded plaster walls. It’s gloriously raw. I’m addicted. Helloooo Anthropologie!

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

Go Bold or Go Home

I’ve been on the edge of buying a green velvet couch for quite some time. We snagged this blue beauty for under one hundred dollars recently, and it will have to do until I find a deal on a family-sized green velvet couch.

So, you out there, don’t be afraid to try something different, break out of the leather couch mold and grab yourself a velvet beauty, just don’t steal a green velvet deal out from under me. 🙂 We sold this lovely green couch with our latest renovation in Lancaster City.

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

This Ain’t No Typical Ceiling

I love, love, love adding wood elements to a ceiling. It has a way of pulling a room together without making a huge statement. Our entryway if full of beautiful brick and a grey wood ceiling, our dining room has exposed wood ceiling, and our white room has fake (gasp) wooden beams.

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

Take Pride in the Little Things

It’s the little things that turn a house into a home. Really. Unique bathroom vanities, welcoming doors, the house number on the exterior. Things that shout, ‘HEY, you creative person you, come on in!”

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

Don’t be Afraid to be Whimsical

I have too many favorites in creating a magical, unexpected space. But really, swings have got to be on my top list. I will love adding swings, hammocks and hanging beds to our spaces till the day I die. I was orginally inspired by an exterior swing I saw at a yard sale. I grabbed it and sweet talked Chris into hanging it in the attic. The rest is history, we now have swings everywhere we can and incorporate them into as many projects as possible.

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco
7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

For those wondering on good sources for swings, Craiglist is your best friend. And you know, if those swings are in short supply, hang up a hammock. Why not?

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco

Thanks for stopping by! Why don’t you grab one or two unexpected home design ideas and try them out for yourself.

May your weekend be spot on!

7 Unexpected home design ideas on the blog at TheChrisandClaudeco


With love, Claude


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